University of North Carolina requires a textbook for fitness class entitled “cancer a disease of choice”. This online textbook explains about a theory the Holocaust victim failed to get through into her or his inner strength. Additionally, the online book entitled “21st Century Wellness” also contains several standard health information about nutrition, health, as well as fitness. This book is read by all students in a Lifetime Fitness one-credit hour course class. All undergraduate students should attend the class. This class is aimed to teach the students about a good and healthy lifestyles balancing with a physical activity like running, soccer, and tennis.
According to a graduated student, had this call in the fall of 2007, Skye Golann told enjoying the physical activity twice in a week. Surprisingly, he said that the online course was beyond bad. This book describes about societal factors affecting people’s health like good nutrition for lower-income class and a lack of healthcare access.
In addition, Lifetime Fitness class has been in existence for most 15 years, and University of North Carolina has adopted the online materials from few years ago. According to Darin Padua said that the course is in existence for nearly 15 years. She said that Lifetime Fitness course is aimed to replace the requirement of traditional physical activity courses. The replacement was made in order to give students more than an education on healthy lifestyle, fitness and standalone sports that have a good long-term benefit to their students. Additionally, the module of the course revolves around the basic theme requirement of how to have a healthy living like endurance, strength, muscles, cardiovascular fitness, nutrition, and weight management.
The university also collects student reviews for the course in order to find out how the content is presented and to know the weaknesses and the strengths. Padua said that each year the university get lots of feedback and the university tries to update the information changes. Furthermore, over thousand students through the course every year, so it is going to be criticism. And, the school is taking this case seriously because they want to provide the best educational content. Padua also realizes that there are numbers of factors that are related to disease and it is not a personal choice and the university believe that everyone has opportunities to maintain a healthy living but the surroundings, genetics, and environments make people difficult to set up.